Internet Nationwide Leagues



dl2_logo_wt2018 Radikal Darts Logo Side by Side

Phoenix Darts Logo









Welcome to the ADA’s Nationwide Online Leagues page.   Currently the ADA’s league formats are being used on the following dart machines in our nationwide leagues: RADIKAL, Phoenix Darts DARTSLIVE & Granboard. On the Steel Tip side we are using DartConnect

If you are a member or dart player and you do not have an active ADA Rep in your area and are interested in joining an Online Nationwide league please contact us here:

We would like to thank all the machine manufactures and dart companies listed on this site.  Note you can qualify for ADA Regional and National Championships through the above companies.  Thank you for your partnership!

Click on the Dart Machine Manufacture list that you have in your local area for more info:

DartConnect (coming soon)
Dartslive (coming soon)
Phoenix Darts
Radikal Darts (coming soon)

If you are an ADA member that wants to play outside of his/her local area please click on a team roster link below, fill out and have it approved by your local ADA Representative with signature and turn that form into: NOTE: you must know your ADA membership number to be able to give to the hosting online league Rep for their system.   This goes for all members.