- This event has passed.
Phoenix’s Derby CR Champion
04/23/2021 @ 8:00 AM - 05/09/2021 @ 5:00 PM CDT
Event Period: 4/23/2021 (Friday 7:00PM) – 5/9/2021 (Sunday 11:59PM)
Entry Fee: None
Game Type: Standard Cricket
Game Fee: $0.75 per game
Minimum Games: 20
- You will need to play at least 20 Champion Games to generate a complete MPR average for ranking.
Champion AVG: 20
- Your Champion MPR for ranking will be based on your top 20 highest MPR Cricket games. You can play as many Champion Cricket games as you’d like to maximize the MPR average of your top 20 games.
- Bronze 1 – 7 General Rating 15 Rounds
- Silver 8 – 13 General Rating 15 Rounds
- Gold 14 – 19 General Rating 15 Rounds
- Platinum 20+ General Rating 15 Rounds
*If you overachieve in your division you will be bumped up to a higher division. In some cases, your previously played games will not be saved and you will need to start from scratch in your new division. If you have any doubts regarding your division placement, immediately contact tournaments@phoenix-dart.com for confirmation.
- $1,200 Total | $300 Per Division
- 1st $150
- 2nd $100
- 3rd $50
*A division must have a minimum of 10 players who have each played at least 20 Champion games. Otherwise, PDUSA reserves the right to reduce that division’s payout by up to 50%. If a division does not have at least 3 players who have played 20 games, PDUSA reserves the right to reduce that division’s payout by up to 80%.
Social Media Event:
The Derby Selfie Challenge:
- Channel the spirit of the Derby in this selfie challenge! We will be giving out a prize package* to 3 players whose selfies get the most Likes by 5:00PM PST on Monday 5/10/2021.
- Requirements:
- Follow our Facebook (facebook.com/phoenixdartinc) and Instagram (@phoenixdartinc) pages.
- Like & Share this post
- Must have completed at least 20 The Derby Champion games by the end of the event period.
- Comment your selfie in this post.
- You must either be wearing an outrageous hat, holding a mint julep, or posing with a horse (preferably white). It does not need to be an actual living breathing horse, it can be a statue, toy, kiddie ride, etc. Have fun with it but be safe!
- The name on the Facebook account used to post the selfie must match or be similar enough to the name on the Phoenixdarts account used for The Derby Champion games for identification purposes.
- No offensive gestures or clothing with explicit images/language allowed in the selfie.
- The 3 winners will be selected on Monday (5/10/2021) at 5:00PM PST. The total number of Likes each photo received will be recorded at that time and the three submissions with the most Likes will be the winners. All requirements above must be fulfilled, or the next runner(s) up will win instead.
The Champion General Rules:
- The top 20 highest MPR Standard Cricket games from all the Champion games you play in this event will be averaged and decide your place in the rankings. You will need to play a minimum of 20 Champion games to establish your Champion AVG but you can play as many games as you’d like in order to maximize the average MPR of your top 20 games.
- Games must be played on a machine that has both Player and Target cameras functional.
- Player profile picture must clearly display the player’s face.
- Phoenixdarts reserves the rights to bump players into a higher division at any time if there is evidence of sandbagging/overachieving. Players who are bumped may need to start from scratch in their new division. Please notify Phoenixdarts if you feel that you have been placed in a division that you do not belong in!
- If a player is caught cheating or acting dishonestly in order to gain a competitive advantage, the player will be removed from the event with no refunds given.
- The machine is always right. If the dart does not stick in the target, players must skip the dart and consider it a lost dart. However, if a dart sticks to the target and the machine doesn’t register it, the player may push the loose dart into the segment to register their score.
Thank you,
Phoenix Operations Team
175 Cassia Way, Suite A114, Henderson, NV, 89014, USA
T (702) 992-3723 | E support@phoenix-dart.com
Phoenixdarts, USA Inc.