- This event has passed.
ADA 2020 Radikal Year-end Championship Ticket Information
12/03/2020 @ 8:00 AM - 12/06/2020 @ 11:30 PM CST
$15.00 – $60.00
**All events are Double Elimination. Winners Side Best of 5 (Random, Loser, Loser, Loser, Loser)/ Losers side Best of 3 (Random, Loser, Loser). All events are handicapped (Cricket) or reversed handicapped (301/501) unless noted otherwise. All games are 20 Rounds.
**All players participating must be current paid ADA Members and in good standing
**Radikal Ratings will be used and are required to play in the handicapped events. Must have a min 50 games of PPD & MPR in Radikal Profile.
ADA Radikal Year End 2020 Flyer
** $15.00 per member per event. $5.00 late fee per event if signing up after November 24th and until Dec 2nd 11:30 pm cst, no more entries after this.
** Members must have 10 ADA Online tournaments played in 2020 to be eligible for this event, except the Thursday Pro Singles.
** Additional ONE TIME $30 fee for under 10 online tournaments played. See “Radikal Profile” note below to verify how many you played in.
** Only two entries max per Radikal board for each competition. Multiple teams at one location with multiple boards will be assigned to all available boards at that location.
** Brackets will be split into different levels based on participation. Level 1 ’01 games will be Open In/Double Out/Split Bull. All other levels ’01 games will be Open In/Open Out/Split Bull.
** Tournaments that have cricket and 501 played in them, games will be Winners Side (501 / Cricket / Cricket / 501 / 501), Losers Side (501 / Cricket / 501).
** Radikal Board Operators and Location Owners are responsible for their Radikal boards and the network connections going to the boards. The ADA takes no responsibility for board errors or malfunctions. Board Camera’s must be operational and locations have to provide enough light for the other team to see the players throw. If boards malfunction or go offline for an extended amount of time, teams will be forfeited and there will be no refunds.
** ADA regulations and guidelines will be in full effect for all events.
** Radikal Board login timers will be set at 7 minutes to sign into you game match. Dart throw timers will be set at 30 Seconds. We suggest you watch the brackets in your Radikal Phone App or other portable devices if available. If you notice you got forfeited, it will be the teams responsibility to notify the tournament director immediately. Event Tournament Directors contact information for each event is listed below.
** Ticket entries will be verified and entered in by 12/04/2020 midnight. Players will be able to look in the Radikal App to verify their entry. Open Radikal App, go to “Competitions”, then “My Competitions”, then “Yet to Begin”. If any errors are found, email us the details to Radikal@adadarters.com. Subject Line: Year-end Championship Entry Error.
**Radikal Profile Note**
Screen shot of the 10 ADA Online Tournaments you played must be sent to Radikal@adadarters.com
Instructions to see if you have at least 10 online tournaments played:
1. Open your Radikal APP on your phone or computer.
2. Select the Menu Icon at the top left of the app.
3. Click on ‘Competitions’ >> Click on ‘My Competitions’ >>Click on ‘Finished’ at the bottom of the Competition screen.
4. Screenshot the number of Finished Tournaments you played, and email to above address for verification. Make sure your Radikal ID is shown in the screenshot. “ADA” will be at the beginning of each competition. If you don’t have enough games played, use the “One Time Fee Ticket” listed below to secure your entry into all the events.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS – on day of events, please message them first before calling them on the phone. Email any questions before the event weekend starts to Radikal@adadarters.com.
Thursday 501 – Pro Singles: Andrew Webber – Facebook – “Andrew Webber”
Friday Cricket – Singles: Andrew Webber – Facebook – “Andrew Webber” & Ginger Ferguson – Facebook “Ginger Ferguson” mobile (662) 216-0777
Friday Normal Singles Online Tournament: Singles: Andrew Webber – Facebook – “Andrew Webber” & Ginger Ferguson – Facebook “Ginger Ferguson” mobile (662) 216-0777
Saturday Cricket – Doubles: Rich Lough – Facebook – “RichLough” – (972) 670-1180 mobile
Saturday Cricket – Mixed Doubles: Rich Lough – Facebook – “RichLough” – (972) 670-1180 mobile
Sunday 301 – Singles: Jack George – Facebook “Jack George” – (724) 448-1622 mobile
Sunday Cricket – Mixed Triples: Jack George – Facebook “Jack George” – (724) 448-1622 mobile
***Schedule, events, formats and rules subject to change