D-Draft League Format:
There will be 4 singles matches each scheduled week. These matches will be played head to head and each leg will be worth 2 points. For a total of 8 points for Singles per week.
There will 2 triples matches each scheduled week. Each team will have 3 players compete. All three members will ...
1. You must Pre-Register your Thursday Team Event and Friday Singles (for the possible chance of being seeded for the Friday Singles event).
2. Brackets will be Pre-drawn before for all events Thursday – Sunday. Exceptions: Open Blind Draw Doubles. Registration for Blind Draw Doubles will close at 5 pm.
3. ...
Friday Warm Up Men Singles Open
Friday Warm Up Men's Singles Neutralizer
Friday Warm Up Women's Singles Open
Friday Warm Up Women's Singles Neutralizer
Friday Men's Professional Doubles
Friday Women's Professional Doubles
Friday Blind Draw Doubles
Saturday Men's Neutralizer Doubles
Saturday Men's ...
Welcome Dart Players
Welcome to the Ddraft, this is a new and exciting concept for our sport of darts!
What is “the Ddraft”? Ddraft a brainchild of the American Darters Association & Radikal Darts USA to bring a fantasy type feel to darts. We all want the sport ...
In addition to all Game Rules and the ADA Rule Manual, we certify that our team is compliant, familiar and will abide by all rules set forth regarding National Championship and its guidelines:
All Players must be current ADA card-carrying members and in good standing. ...
2020 Notables:
1. Brackets will be drawn the night before for all events Saturday & Sunday.
2. No more Coin Drop for Soft Tip Play. Green Fees = (GF) $6 will be added to all event entries per member (minus the Professional Events). After Pre-Registration closes there will be a $15.00 onsite late fee (one time)....
2020 Notables:
1. Brackets will be drawn the night before for all events Saturday & Sunday.
2. No more Coin Drop for Soft Tip Play. Green Fees = (GF) $6 will be added to all event entries per member (minus the Professional Events). After Pre-Registration closes there will be a $15.00 onsite late fee (one time)....
2020 Notables:
1. Brackets will be drawn the night before for all events Saturday & Sunday.
2. No more Coin Drop for Soft Tip Play. Green Fees = (GF) $6 will be added to all event entries per member (minus the Professional Events). After Pre-Registration closes there will be a $15.00 onsite late fee (one time)....
Non-Payment Policy
Any brackets or players that fail to remit fees within 30 days of the season start will be considered “not in good standing” and subject to cancellation of their season with access to league resources denied for the current season. Players not in good standing may be banned from future ...
ADA Members,
Welcome to the Bottelsen Darts Member Discount Page!!
All Bottelsen darts are made in the USA!!
“We continue to manufacture ALL of our darts in Santa Maria, California, as we have since 1976!"
For the 2018 year Bottelsen Darts is giving a 20% Discount to all current paid ADA Members!
Click the PDF ...