ADA Dart Bar Madness Round 1

ADA Members, Thank you to the ones that nominated a Host Location for the first ADA Dart Bar Madness Bracket! We ended up with 34 Host Locations!  We entered each location into the Radikal Darts API software, shuffled the teams and then they were automatically placed into the BRACKET 34 Locations into a 64 ... More

ADA Darts Bar Madness Bracket

Attention ADA Members and ADL Host Locations, Most hosting locations are paused to the temporary shutdown but that doesn't mean we can't still support them and promote them!  Since the annual March (Basketball) Madness has been canceled as well, we thought that we still need a bracket out there for some friendly ... More

Viper Logo Red

Viper Darts to become the new Member of the Month Prize!

This just in....... GLD Products main dart line 'Viper Darts' becomes the new ADA Member of the Month prize nationwide! We here at the office are happy to announce this addition to our growing partnership with Viper Darts! You can check out all the information on the Monthly Award Program: https://www.adadarte... More

ADA pros 2020

ADA Congratulates 2020 Professionals

On behalf of the ADA Home Office, We would like to congratulate all 128 ADA 2020 Professionals who made the list!  Your dedication and hard work has paid off through the American Dart League! Professional Events coming up:  Professional Doubles and Singles at the Mid America Regional: More

Welcome ADA Rep Jack George

The American Darters Association (ADA) would like to welcome our newest Representative, Jack Geroge to our growing dart family!  Jack is representing the greater Westmoreland County, PA area.  In addition too, Jack is also one of our Nightly Tournament Directors through the Radikal System. And to add to the ... More

2020 ADA National Championship Schedule

2020 National Championship XXIX July 22-26, 2020 St Louis MO Schedule of Events Please Note: You must Pre-Register your Thursday Team Event and Friday Singles Event (for the possible chance of being seeded for the Friday Singles Event). Brackets will be Pre-drawn before for all events Thursday-Sunday. ... More

A New ADA Year is Upon Us!

Welcome ADA Members to the new year!  We are excited to have you and we look forward to all the great darts to be thrown on both the Soft & Steel Tip boards!  Here is just a couple things coming out this year from the home office, our partners and our management team. Spring Sessions have already begun in ... More


2020 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ELIGIBILITY RULES In addition to all Game Rules and the ADA Rule Manual, we certify that our team is compliant, familiar and will abide by all rules set forth regarding National Championship and its guidelines: All Players must be current ADA card-carrying members and in good standing.  ... More

Happy New Year! Here’s to 2020!

We say farewell to 2019 and welcome the new year 2020! From all of us at the ADA/ADL Home Offices we are wishing you & yours a glorious, rewarding, healthy and productive New Year. In the office we’re also implementing New Year Goals, gearing up for ADL expansions in ... More

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas from the ADA/ADL Offices

From our ADA/ADL Family to yours, here's wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Seasons Greetings, American Darters Association & American Dart League Home Offices Gloria, Karl, Sarah, Chris, Ken, Nancy, Denise & Holly More