American Dart League Banquet Awards Night & Blind Draw – Clarksville TN

American Dart League Banquet Awards Night & Blind Draw
By Karl Remick, ADA VP

When, ADA Rep, Chris Stone mentioned that on every road trip him and I have taken; there has been some type of less than pleasant weather.  It has either rained, stormed, hailed or worse; tornado warnings!  Now, Chris and I have been on numerous road trips; but I guess I never really noticed that sunny skies don’t always accompany us.  On our most recent trip to Clarksville TN, I finally believed his statement to be true.

Tuesday the 10th we jumped in the car and headed south to see our ADA Rep, Teri McBride, and ADA Home Office Rep, Sarah Coyne.  The most recent ADL session in Clarksville under Teri had ended, and we were on the way to finish up with a Banquet Awards night at Scooter’s.  Scooter’s is located at 2458 Hwy 41A Byp in Clarksville, TN. As fate would have it, the weather was rolling in while on the road.  Play by play text messages from Sarah Coyne, in Clarksville, mentioned that Chris and I were in for tornado warnings/watches as we head down Interstate 24.  Luckily, all we came across was heavy rain and high winds periodically.  Another successful trip to our destination!  Though, I am starting to consider leaving Chris at the office, and bringing Kate to hopefully bring along a little more sunshine on these road trips!

Bob Smith, owner of Scooters, along with Teri; sponsored the event with a delicious spread of food for all attending Members and future ADA Members.  We had a total of 22 players for the Blind Draw that followed the Awards Banquet.  To make the Draw even, Chris and I drew straws to see who would be the 22nd person.  Chris won this battle and he jumped in the Blind Draw leaving me in the captain’s chair.  Fortunately I have done this once or twice before.  Turns out that Chris and his excellent partner Rhonda took 1st; so I suppose it was for the best!

Before the Blind Draw started, we made a few announcements, passed out the awards, and  gave checks out from the Saturday Doubles Neutralizer League.  Congratulations to ADL Session Winners Captain Shawn Douglas and Scott McBride for taking home the championship of the league!  Shawn was also our MVP of the session!  Congrats Shawn!



Results from the Blind Draw were:

1st Place Chris Stone & Rhonda Fulton
2nd Place Rick Kaeferk & David Swinson
3rd Place Shawn Douglas & Will West



A special thanks to Bob at Scooters for hosting the event and for Teri and Scott to have us down!  Thanks to everyone who attended and that signed up for league.  For more leagues and information in the Montgomery County area please contact Teri McBride here:

931.241.1141 cell
(Add ADL Facebook page here)

She currently is starting back up on Tuesday Nights with a Doubles Neutralizer Soft Tip League!

What bad weather adventure we will be on next?  Continue to follow Chris and I to find out!  …and yes, it rained almost all the way back home too!

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