2020 ADA Year-end Championship Wraps Up

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The past weekend the ADA’s Nationwide Online Championship had a total of 600 Member entries competing for over $12,000+ in cash prizes Thursday – Sunday.
Thursday kicked off the ‘weekend’ event with our Professional Singles with both Men’s and Women’s Brackets.
Our very own Tony Smeland, Seaford, VA threw a Perfect Game of 501 OI/DO Split Bull during the competition!
Congratulations again Tony! The tournament ended on Sunday with Mixed Triples.

12 4 2020 Perfect 501 Game Winner Tony Smeland

The long weekend tournament couldn’t have happened with out the following tournament directors nationwide:

Head Tournament Director: Rich Lough, TX 
Andrew Webber, DE  
Ginger Ferguson, TN  
Jack George, PA 

A huge thank you to the above TD’s along with our partners and sponsors: GLD Products/Viper Darts and our hosting machine Radikal Darts USA.  Each ’01 Singles Winner also received a FREE set of Viper Darts for their accomplishment!

The ADA Home Office hosts Nightly Tournaments EVERY Single Night (weekend’s too) to make you eligible for the annual Year-End Championship come December 2021.  Check out the information HERE

For complete results from the $12,000+ weekend click the image or link below.
Congratulations to all the members who placed in our first annual event and thank you EVERYONE for being part of the ADA Family!  Happy Holidays!

ADA Radikal Year end 2020

ADA Radikal Year 2020 Payout

2018 Radikal Darts Logo Side by Side

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