25th Annual Missouri State Senior Games

Columbia State Senior Games Sign and Mac

The 25th Annual Missouri State Senior Games was held June 6-9, 2019 in Columbia, MO.  These games are an Olympic style sports festival for persons aged 50 and older.  The Senior Games promote social, competitive, athletic, and recreational activity.  The goal is to enhance the quality of life through recreation and physical exercise.  Volunteers are a very important part of this event, and the ADA is proud to have been there for the past 20 years!

Columbia State Senior Games SA Sign Winner Group1

ADA Representative Nancy Cromer volunteered, attending the banquet sponsored by Humana and directing the dart event with her daughters, Sierra and Mikayla.  The participants were extremely competitive! The ADA awarded Samuel Adams signs to the highest scoring male and female for the evening, regardless of the age brackets.  Rita Eckert and Scott Schwartz were excited to receive their prizes.  We also awarded prizes to all participants including a Sam Adams keychain bottle opener, and a variety of other prizes. The top 3 finishers in each category received a medal from the State Senior Games.

Women 55-59                    Men 50-54                           Men 70-74                           Men 85-89
Gold Cheryl Bryant          Gold Jeff Wright                Gold Larry Pauley             Gold Dave McCoy
Silver Shawn Roney         Silver Harold Laughlin     Silver Ron Jelinek
Women 70-74                                                                    Bronze Duane Jefts
Gold Rita Eckert                Men 60-64
Silver Lynne Laughlin      Gold Scott Schwartz        Men 75-79
Silver John Jelineck          Gold Kenneth Eckert
Silver David Hood
Bronze George Ruh

Columbia State Senior Games SA Sign Winner F   Columbia State Senior Games SA Sign Winner M

Several people played more darts after the event was over, trying to best their friends.  The spectators pulled up chairs to watch and root for their favorites.  This was a fun and very social crowd.

“I enjoyed sharing the experience with my daughters, added Nancy, It’s always fun to see them interact with people, and the seniors loved talking with them.  They thought it was really neat to see a family working together to give back to the community.”

Looking forward to seeing everyone next year!

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