In addition to all Game Rules and the ADA Rule Manual, we certify that our team is compliant, familiar and will abide by all rules set forth regarding National Championship and its guidelines:

All Players must be current ADA card-carrying members and in good standing.  Good standing will be determined by hosting ADA Rep
Each American Dart League (ADL) member must have at least twenty (20) __01 singles scores total.
ADL members who play only Doubles League must have at least forty (40) __ 01 singles scores total.
ADL members who play only Single Leagues must have at least sixty (60) __ 01 singles scores total.
Ten (10) _01 singles scores must come from the Spring 2020 Season.
EXCEPTION: New ADL members (members whose first season is the Spring 2020) may enter with fifteen (15) __01 singles scores.  Thirty (30) _ 01 singles scores in a singles league only.
In order to be eligible and compete in the Neutralizer events at Nationals all twenty (20) – forty (40) _01 singles scores must be in the Neutralizer format.
ADL members may enter on only one team for the Thursday Team Event.
Teams must compete with members on their roster as approved by the ADA. Edits to the approved team roster are made with an Official Team Roster Change Form on site.
All Teams must Pre-Register and pay by Monday, June 1st: (Coming Soon)
Any teams that wish to sign up after this date will incur a $75 charge “Late fee”.

Every member attending the National Championship must play at least one full round with their team on Thursday’s team events to be eligible for all remaining qualifying events: Friday Singles, Saturday Doubles and Sunday Mixed Triples.

  1. Team League – Neutralizer and Open Format
    1. Neutralizer Team Requirements

A team format must have a minimum of four or a maximum of six players. No team can compete with less than four members.
a. Soft-tip – The total of the points per dart averages (PPDA) for the six members on any ADL Electronic Soft-tip team cannot exceed 150. A team fielding: Five members cannot exceed 125; Four members cannot exceed 100.
b. Steel-tip – The total of the points per dart averages (PPDA) for six members on any ADA English team cannot exceed 102. A team fielding: Five members cannot exceed 85; Four members cannot exceed 68.
Eligible members may “construct” a Neutralizer team for the National Championship for Thursdays Team/Express/Women’s Express, event.
Neutralizer teams will be placed in the Open Format event if they exceed the Opening Roster Rule.
Members must enter with their highest PPDA (true PPDA from May 16 2019 – June 1 2020, or the previous National Championships ending PPDA).
Member PPDA – A Member’s PPDA may be raised by standard updating, committee judgment or ADA Management during Championship play.
***New*** if your TRUE average coming into Nationals is a 30.01 or higher you will automatically be placed in the Open Singles format on Friday.

  1. Open Team Requirements

The team format must have a minimum of four or a maximum of six players. No team can compete with less than four members.
Eligible members may “construct” a team for the National Championship but must compete in the Open format for the Team event on Thursday. All other events (Doubles, Singles and Mixed Triples) members may compete in Neutralizer events provided they meet Neutralizer eligibility requirements listed above.

  1. Express League Neutralizer and Open Format
  2. Neutralizer Express Requirements

A team must have three members. No team can compete with less than three members or “subs”
a. Soft-tip – The total of the points per dart averages (PPDA) for the three members on any ADL Electronic Soft-tip Neutralizer Express team cannot exceed 75.
b. Steel-tip – The total of the points per dart averages for three members on any ADL English Neutralizer Express team cannot exceed 66.
Eligible members may “construct” a Neutralizer team for the National Championship for Thursdays Team/Express/Women’s Express event.
Express Neutralizer format teams will be placed in the Open Format event if they exceed the Opening Roster Rule.
Members must enter with their highest PPDA (true PPDA from May 16 2019 – June 1 2020, or the previous National Championships ending PPDA).
Member PPDA’s – A Member’s PPDA may be raised by standard updating, committee judgment or ADA Management during Championship play.
If your TRUE average coming into Nationals is a 30.01 or higher you will automatically be placed in the Open Singles format on Friday.

  1. Open Express Requirements

Each team must have three members. No team can compete with less than three members or “subs”.
Eligible members may “construct” a team for the National Championship but must compete in the Open format for the Express event on Thursday. All other events (Doubles, Singles and Mixed Triples) members may compete in Neutralizer events provided they meet Neutralizer eligibility requirements listed above.

  1. Women’s Express Neutralizer and Open Format
  2. Neutralizer Express Requirements

Each female team must have three members. No team can compete with less than three members or “subs”
a. Soft-tip – The total of the points per dart averages (PPDA) for the three members on any ADL Electronic Soft-tip Neutralizer Express team cannot exceed 75.
b. Steel-tip – The total of the points per dart averages (PPDA) for three members on any ADL English Neutralizer Express team cannot exceed 66.
Eligible members may “construct” a Neutralizer team for the National Championship for Thursdays Team/Express/Women’s Express event.
Express Neutralizer teams will be placed in the Open Format event if they exceed the Opening Roster Rule.
Members must enter with their highest PPDA (true PPDA from May 16th 2019 – June 1 2020, or the previous National Championships ending PPDA).
Member PPDA’s – A Member’s PPDA may be raised by standard updating, committee judgment or ADA Management during Championship play.
If your TRUE average coming into Nationals is a 30.01 or higher you will automatically be placed in the Open Singles format on Friday.

  1. Open Express Requirements

Each female team must have three members. No team can compete with less than three members or “subs”.
Eligible members may “construct” a team for the National Championship but must compete in the Open format for the Express event on Thursday. All other events (Doubles, Singles and Mixed Triples) members may compete in Neutralizer eligibility events provided they meet Neutralizer requirements listed above.

  1. Qualifications
    The Team Captain will submit to the ADA a Team Registration Online form for the National Championship. Once the form is submitted the team and all its members agree to adhere and abide to all ADA Rules and Regulations.
  1. Disqualification

The ADA has the option to disqualify any team that has a member(s) whose Championship PPDA is inconsistent with their league average.
To preserve the integrity of the National Championship, the ADA reserves the right to disqualify any member and/or team whose certification packet appears to have been altered or contains irregularities that might give that member and/or team unfair advantage; or where fraudulent circumstances of any nature are found to exist; or whose sportsmanship and/or conduct is determined by the ADA to potentially bring discredit upon the league, the National Championship, or the sport.
Disqualification will mean forfeiture of all titles, awards, prize money, as well as possible suspension.

  1. Skill Level Review
    Prior to entry in the National Championship, local League Management and their Skill Level Review Board will review the averages of every player before submitting their entry. This will decrease the chances of being disqualified for entering with an average that is incorrect.
  2. Identification
    All members may present one form of positive picture identification from their state of residence and their ADA membership card.
  3. Championship Dress Code/ Men & Women
    Dress slacks, sport collared shirts, polos, button down dress shirts and/or team logo shirts (approved by ADA Officials), non-vulgar tee-shirts. NO sleeveless shirts. Casual leather or open toe canvas shoes are permissible.
    Dress slacks, sport collared shirts, polos, button down dress shirts and/or team logo shirts (approved by ADA Officials), non-vulgar tee-shirts. NO sleeveless or string/strap shirts. Casual leather or open toe canvas shoes are permissible.
    Note: the ADA nor the Championship Staff is not responsible for any injuries to member’s because of their footwear.
  4. Pro Darter Events Dress Code
    Men and Women
    Dress slacks. Sport collared shirts, polos, button down dress shirts and/or team logo shirts (approved by ADA Officials). NO denim pants, NO tee-shirts, NO sleeveless shirts. Casual leather or open toe canvas shoes are permissible. NO “flip flop” sandals permitted. NO hats. The Pro Event is the ADA’s highest honored event and will be maintained at a Professional Level Status.

Common sense and good taste will prevail. Any member or spectator deemed inappropriately dressed by ADA Officials will be asked to leave the Competition and Championship Rooms. Championship matches will not be delayed due to dress code violations.

Expect that you may be taped for televised segments of sports news, amateur tournament videos, or you may be professionally photographed at any time during the event. Be prepared by dressing appropriately.

  2. Hotel Guest Room
    a. At least one member from each team format MUST be a registered guest at The Sheraton Westport Chalet. They must register their guest room through the ADA room block directly with The Sheraton reservations department or using the reservation link. The guest room must be for at least three nights during the ADA Championship.
  3. Guest room occupancy will be confirmed with The Sheraton Westport Chalet prior to commencing the National Championship event. Teams that do not comply will be disqualified and will forfeit any prizes, privileges, awards, moneys, etc. associated with the National Championship.
  4. LOCAL EXCEPTION: Teams with members who reside within 50 mile radius of The Sheraton Westport Chalet are exempt from the guest room requirement.
  5. Refunds
    Once you submit and pay for your team online, entry fees are non-refundable.
  6. Prize Money
    Any and all prize money MUST be collected prior to the conclusion of the Championship. Unclaimed prize money will be not be refunded or forwarded.  Each team or member must play at least one match against another team or member in their category to receive nationals payout money as listed on the payout schedule grid. Events with only one team may not receive payout money.
  7. Social Security Number
    Current tax legislation requires the American Darters Association to report any prize money exceeding $599.00. If you or your team members earn $600.00 or more in prize money in 2020, an IRS form 1099 Misc. will be forwarded for 2019 tax return.  Member’s can enter their own SSN here: https://myada.adadarters.com/
  8. Team Rosters
    All members listed on the ADA approved National Championship roster MUST compete in the team’s first round on Thursday’s event.  Team member(s) may be removed from the team roster for approval.  Team Roster Change Form MUST be resubmitted in writing prior to 7:00 PM on Wednesday July 23rd for approval.
  9. Non-Team Events (Singles, Doubles & Mixed Triples)
    Only members that compete in the Team Event (either in Express, Team or Women’s Express) are eligible for the Non-Team Events (’01 Singles, Doubles, & Mixed Triples). Members whose team forfeited in the team event or were dropped from their team roster prior to the National Championship will be considered for non-team events. If you are on the 2020 Professional List you must sign up for the Open Singles format.
    If your TRUE average coming into Nationals is a 30.01 or higher you will automatically be placed in the Open Singles format.
    On the Neutralizer Soft Tip Events the following PPDA CAP’s will be enforced: 
    Men’s & Women’s Doubles – 52 PPDA CAP 
    Mixed Doubles – 52 PPDA CAP 
    Mixed Triples – 75 PPDA CAP 
    There will be no CAP for Steel Tip Neutralizer Events 
  10. Switching Dart Types and Formats
    Teams or members who can’t play in a match may choose to change dart types and formats provided they have enough eligible scores before that event starts. If they move from their original dart type when signing up their team online, they will forfeit any MVP Points during the Championship.  Switching may be done at the Registration desk or Control Center for a processing fee of $7.00 per member per event.
  11. Recording and Reproduction
    We consent to the taping (audio and video) and/or photographing of our participation in the ADA National Championship. We grant the ADA and any sponsor, the right to use and reproduce our names, voices and likenesses and any and all photographs and video reproductions taken or made for any purpose whatsoever. We each release ADA and any sponsor, their employees, agents, successors and assignee from any liability whatsoever for such use and reproduction of our names, voices and likenesses. We agree that the photographs, videos, and sound tracks taken or made of any of us are the exclusive property of ADA and/or any sponsor, and we each waive any right of inspection or review.
  12. Release of ADA and the National Championship Sponsors & Employees
    We, being of lawful age and, as inducement for and in consideration of (1) the agreement by American Darters Association, Inc., (“ADA”) that I may take part in the National Team Championship (the “Event”) and (2) sponsorship of the Event, hereby covenant and agree that ADA and all other sponsors and their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents (collectively “Releasee”) shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries, and/or damage to property that I may sustain in any way which result from or arise out of my preparation for any participation in the Event.
  13. Youth Events age requirements are 12 – 17 years of age.

I hereby fully and forever release and discharge and covenant not to sue Releasee from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, whether the same be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of my preparation for or participation in the Event.

I acknowledge and agree that preparation for and participation in the Event are dangerous and involve the risk of serious personal injury and/or damage to property, and I hereby assume full responsibility for and risk of such personal injury and damage to property. I warrant that I am in good health and have no physical condition that would prevent me from participating in the Event. I further agree for myself, my successors, heirs, assigns, executors and administrators to indemnify and hold Releasee harmless from and against all claims and suits for personal injuries, including death, and damage to property, real or personal, caused by my act or omission and arising out of my involvement in the Event, and from all judgments and costs recovered in said claims and suits and from all expressed incurred in defending said claims or suits.

This Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law, and if any portion is held invalid, the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect. This Release shall be binding on my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

  1. American Darters Association is the Final Authority
    The ADA has the absolute and final authority to make all rulings affecting preparation and participation in the ADA National Championship, including member ability (i.e., correction of PPDA’s) and disqualification.

Thanks for playing in the ADA!

tel: 636-614-4380 | fax: 636-673-1092 email: leagues@adadarters.com